Raised Beaches Podcast

Episode 1: What are Raised Beaches?

September 05, 2024 Evan James Gowan Episode 1

This is episode 1 of the Raised Beaches Podcast. This is the culmination of many months of planning to produce a podcast to discuss topics related to paleoclimate, Earth science and global change. In this episode, I introduce myself and discuss the highlights of the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union conference. The deep dive explains what "raised beaches" are. Finally I highlight a recent paper discussing a climate proxy record from the Marine Isotope Stage 11c interglacial.

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Follow Dr. Evan J. Gowan on social media:

Mastodon: @DrEvanGowan@fediscience.org

Bluesky: @evangowan.bsky.social

-- Thank you to --

Raised Beaches Podcast logo by Aurooj: https://www.instagram.com/artbytinyleaf/
Sean for the Raised Beaches Podcast theme song
That Blasted Salami, who helped me get started (on Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5GTc4yWm-yiBFTuV3MsGaQ
Dr. Tomita at Kumamoto University, who has supported me the past three years.

My trip to Argentina was part of a European Research Council funded project called WARMCOASTS, which is led by Dr. Alessio Rovere - https://warmcoasts.eu/index.html

-- Introduction  --

In the introduction, I introduce myself, and discuss the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union conference.

"My dream died, and now I'm here" by Sabine Hossenfelder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKiBlGDfRU8
Itaki et al (2020): using machine learning to detect radiolarians -  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-77812-6

-- Episode 1 Deep Dive: Raised Beaches --

I introduce what raised beaches are, and how they form. I then recount a conflict in the early era of geology with regards to raised beaches. Finally, I discuss my own experience investigating raised beaches and beach ridges in Argentina.

A full list of references can be found on the Raised Beaches website:


-- Episode 1 Papers --

Hu et al (2024): Sustained North Atlantic warming drove anomalously intense MIS 11c interglacial - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-50207-1
Tzedakis et al (2022): Marine Isotope Stage 11c: An unusual interglacial - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107493